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Home Healthcare Cases overzicht Healthcare Logistics in times of peaks

Logistics in times of peaks

Our client Paula's Choice, an international skin care brand, runs various marketing campaigns worldwide. For instance, around black friday and glamour day, the number of orders grows enormously. Together with Paula's Choice, we always make a good forecast and we quickly scale down or up when necessary. This ensures that Paula's Choice lives up to its delivery promise.

Does your distribution demand also include (high or unexpected) peaks? CB Healthcare is not used to anything else. Whether it's the distribution of medical devices or the logistics behind national and international web shops.

Please feel free to contact us for a customized proposal.

Call or email Bart Sanders at b.sanders@cb.nl or 06-51445440 or Jacco van der Kamp at j.van.der.kamp@cb.nl or 06-51184375.





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