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International delivery to healthcare professionals for Protex

As a Healthcare specialist, we understand better than anyone the importance of delivering on time. Like to the healthcare professionals who work with Protex Healthcare products. They don't want to miss out. Even if they work in Asia or Africa. CB Healthcare makes sure of it.

Want to know more about our solutions for your organization?

We'd be happy to talk to you. Please contact Bart Sanders at b.sanders@cb.nl or 06-51445440 or Jacco van der Kamp at j.van.der.kamp@cb.nl or 06-51184375.





Meer cases

Een innovatieve kijk op logistiek

Logistics of your products, we take care of it

Logistics of Health & Care products often requires something slightly different from other products. CB Healthcare knows that like no other. Specific guidelines or certification, temperature-controlled storage, working with lot and expiry date

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Ordering behavior changes, our logistics grows with it

Producers, retailers and (healthcare) organizations keep ever smaller stocks. Rightly so; it takes up space and it is a shame if products go past their sell-by date. The size of orders is decreasing and the number of orders is increasing.

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Logistics in times of peaks

Our client Paula's Choice, an international skin care brand, runs various marketing campaigns worldwide. For instance, around black friday and glamour day, the number of orders grows enormously. Together with Paula's Choice, we always make a good forecast and we quickly scale down or up when necessary.

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