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Home Healthcare Cases overzicht Healthcare Logistics in the corona crisis

Logistics in the corona crisis

Shortage of medical protective equipment when it's needed most.... The Landelijk Consortium Hulpmiddelen (National Resource Consortium) provided new supplies for healthcare providers in corona time. CB Healthcare was the logistical hub from the beginning. In this video, those involved tell their story. From the start with an empty warehouse to a well-oiled logistical operation that benefits healthcare providers and healthcare institutions, now and in the future.

Make use of our Healthcare expertise as well. CB Healthcare is the specialist in logistics for health & care products. From the proper storage of your products to batch/lot control and working with expiration dates. From order and inventory management systems to Customer Service. We keep you completely in control.

Want to know more about our solutions for your organization? We would like to talk to you. Please contact Bart Sanders at b.sanders@cb.nl or 06-51445440 or Jacco van der Kamp at j.van.der.kamp@cb.nl or 06-51184375.





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