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Home Healthcare Cases overzicht Healthcare Ordering behavior changes, our logistics grows with it

Ordering behavior changes, our logistics grows with it

Producers, retailers and (healthcare) organizations keep ever smaller stocks. Rightly so; it takes up space and it is a shame if products go past their sell-by date. The size of orders is decreasing and the number of orders is increasing. In this changing landscape, you still want to be able to deliver and receive goods on time. That requires logistical innovation. CB Healthcare develops along with the market, including the construction of a new, fully automated shuttle warehouse.

Would you like to know what logistical innovation can do for you?

We are happy to talk further with you. For more information contact Bart Sanders at b.sanders@cb.nl or 06-51445440 or Jacco van der Kamp at j.van.der.kamp@cb.nl or 06-51184375.

Flexible Innovative Personal Professional




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