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Home Healthcare Cases overzicht Healthcare Good Distribution Practice, a must for Health & Care products

Good Distribution Practice, a must for Health & Care products

Logistics and the health & care sector find each other in 'good distribution practice' (GDP). GDP is a guideline for the proper distribution of medicines and other healthcare products. CB Healthcare has a GDP license.

Working according to GDP means working according to specific requirements in the area of purchasing, receiving, storing and exporting medicines and related products for use by humans. We guarantee the product quality of medical products during the distribution process. We control and register the movement of products from the moment they leave the manufacturer's premises until they are delivered to the end user.

Take, for example, controlling the temperature throughout the chain. CB Healthcare has an 'ambient' warehouse for the storage of goods that fall under GDP and must remain between 15 and 25 degrees, and we arrange temperature-controlled medical transport for you.

Would you like to outsource your logistics according to the GDP guidelines?

We are happy to discuss this with you. Please contact Jacco van der Kamp at j.van.der.kamp@cb.nl or 06-51184375 or Bart Sanders at b.sanders@cb.nl or 06-51445440.





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