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Publisher Analytics

Always the most up-to-date information on the success of your titles and authors? Insight into the performance of all your distribution channels? Up-to-date overviews of your sales, turnover, discounts, stock and more? Analytics from CB supports you in the daily management of your publishing business. Start using Analytics now.

In Analytics, you will find all information about your books, e-books and audio books in one place. You will get answers to questions such as:

  • Which customers and titles contribute the most to my results?
  • Which consignment deliveries have already been invoiced (and which have not)?
  • What is the turnover rate of titles?
  • Should I reprint a title or is Print on demand a better option?
  • What are my distribution costs and where could I possibly make savings?
  • In the click of a mouse, the screen adapts to your query. Whether it's a standard KPIs or detailed information, you stay fully informed.

Analytics is based on Power BI offering fast analytics with many angles, such as:

  • Geographic view: In which region or city do you realise your sales and turnover? In the new Analytics, you can also see this on a map, which is very convenient.
  • Internal comparison/benchmarking: Compare your performance in one period or client with another. For example, the first quarter of 2023 with 2022.
  • Variable tables: Information can of course be exported (e.g. to Excel and pdf), but you can also create a table yourself in Analytics. At your own discretion, with exactly the information you want to know.
  • Variable periods: Determine yourself, down to daily level, over which period you want to see figures. Also over several years.

Analytics for customised analyses

  • Developing your own customised screens, so you make data insight the way you want.
  • Uploading your own data from other systems, so you can link data.
  • Customise existing screens as you see fit.
Michel Koster

Michel Koster

Accountmanager International

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