eBook and audiobook distribution
Just one portal to unlock the complete Dutch-speaking market
Dutch and Flemish publishers both have embraced eBooks and audiobooks as a part of their content strategy. There are over sixty thousand Dutch e-titles available.
All e-publishers use CB as their distribution partner for eBooks, either PDF, ePub2 or ePub3 and audiobooks. This offers national and international e-tailers and platforms a one-stop-shop, providing access to the entire Dutch market.
Publishers use the CB web interface to offer their titles and data to any connected retailer or platform. You can offer your e-books for sale, for subscription or for lending via a library. With their choice of DRM and commercial conditions as agreed with the retailer. Apart from file and metadata distribution, CB also offers invoicing services for the net pricing between publishers and e-tailers. And takes care of insightful consolidated reporting to the publishers.
Interested in becoming a connected platform for the Dutch market? Please get in touch with us!
One technical connection
Access to all Dutch titles & metadata
Financial side is completely serviced
Sales and usage data in one Analytics application